Building Meaningful Relationships with CATA’s Mentorship Program

Building Meaningful Relationships with CATA’s Mentorship Program

Athletic therapy, like many other healthcare professions, is stronger for the critical skills and knowledge cultivated through mentorship. Ask any Certified Athletic Therapist about someone who has helped or had an influence on their career, and there would be no shortage of mentors! Mentorship is a foundational part of personal and professional development, and CATA’s mentorship program serves to provide opportunities for Certification Candidates and newly Certified ATs to find matches with experienced Certified ATs to learn, develop skills, and navigate the challenges of starting a new career. 

A mentorship paired through CATA is two-way, with reciprocal connections being developed on both sides to offer both mentees and mentors opportunities to learn and grow. Mentees in the first five years of their career will connect to someone with insight into the industry and the profession who can offer guidance and direction in the critical early stages of a career. 

Mentor relationships are incredibly important for Certification Candidates and newly Certified ATs, but mentors get something out of it too. Acting as a mentor is not only a fulfilling way to share your knowledge and industry insight, but it can also help mentors develop leadership skills that are crucial for their own professional advancement. The CATA mentorship program also enhances our athletic therapy community by developing even more of the strong relationships our association is built on. 

CATA’s Mentorship Program is based on one-to-one pairings. Mentors and mentees will apply to participate in the program, sharing preferences to facilitate a good match between the two. This information includes areas of interest or language and is used to connect mentees with the right mentor.  

Mentorship involves a one-year term that begins when a mentor and mentee are successfully paired. Aim for 8 to 10 connections throughout the year with a schedule and format that works for both sides of the mentoring relationship. Mentoring is not counselling or training. These meetings are an opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and provide insight into different aspects of the profession, all by learning from an experienced Certified AT to help a mentee along their own career path. 

A successful mentoring relationship is a two-way street: both a mentor and mentee need to be intentional in setting goals and communicate clear expectations. To get the most out of the mentorship, define the type of support needed or what is within your ability to provide as a mentor. Regular communication is also key, and don’t be afraid to initiate to keep the conversation going! 

These relationships can be incredibly important for Certification Candidates and newly Certified ATs, especially for those who are entering the career at a later stage in life. Many active Certified ATs have mentors from their past who had a positive influence on their career development.

As any Certified AT can confirm, no career journeys are identical. However, we can learn from each other by providing support, encouragement, and constructive feedback. Mentors not only shape the careers of their mentees but also contribute to the enhancement of the profession. 

Applications are currently open for both mentors and mentees, but the program is always looking for mentors to get involved. Learn more by visiting the members resources section on the CATA website.
